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The Roots of Firefighting in Saint-Eustache

Black and white photograph of a man in profile wearing an elegant black jacket. His curly hair hangs down past his neck, and his mouth and chin are covered by an enormous moustache and a long goatee.

Dr. David Marsil (1835-1899)

The Saint-Eustache Fire Safety Department was established thanks to the courage of a number of men. On June 25, 1868, at a municipal council meeting, Dr. David Marsil proposed that the first fire brigades be formed. A handful of volunteers would take on the responsibility of fighting fires with buckets and hand pumps.

Fast-forward to the second half of the twentieth century: the City acquires new trucks and an aerial ladder. In 1956, it gets its first fire engine.

The History and Development of the Fire Safety Department (subtitles available in FR and EN) – Watch the video with the transcript (EN).

Today, the Saint-Eustache Fire Safety Department has evolved, diversifying its methods and adding many members to its team. Firefighters come from a wide range of backgrounds and each one has their own story to tell. The spirit of fraternity and camaraderie are the glue that holds them together, whether they are at the fire hall or responding to a call. As the people in the community will tell you, their values of integrity, safety and loyalty are infectious.

The Three Fundamental Values of the Fire Safety Department (subtitles available in FR and EN) – Watch the video with the transcript (EN).