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Please browse the gallery below for all the images, videos and audio related to RetroSpectacle from Anne Langton Sketches to Digital Photography. Click on an item to see an enlarged image with description or to play the video/audio clip.
Superimposed B&W photos of a brick home with a prominent tower. Historic photo shows gathering of people on the on the lawn.
A contemporary photograph of a Christmas parade; a black and white picture of Santa Claus superimposed
Combined contemporary and black and white photos of a store and post office located in a converted house.
A contemporary photograph of a lakefront road, melded with a B&W image of the street.
A contemporary photograph of a log golf club house with B&W photo of golfing party superimposed.
On the left a B&W photo of a gentleman manning his store, on the right a contemporary photo of the same shop.
A contemporary photograph of a barn with a superimposed image of the work bee that raised it.
A B&W photo of a canal, with a blue carriage house visible through the mist.
The interior of a church the left half of the image is black and white, the right half is contemporary and features people sitting in the pews
An elderly farmer standing at a steel gate, rubbing the nose of his of horse. In background a tractor skids firewood.
A period photograph of four men standing in front of J.W. Howry & Sons office, superimposed on a contemporary RWH Construction office
A contemporary photograph of a river and gorge with painting superimposed.
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