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We invite you to peruse our gallery images for a virtual tour of Villa Les Rochers, summer home of Sir John A. Macdonald and Lady Agnes Macdonald. Click on any image to enlarge it and read its description or to watch a short documentary video.
A black and white photo of Sir Thomas McGreevy, a middle-aged partially bald man sitting in an upholstered chair with one arm resting on the desk; he is facing the camera. The style of the dark formal clothing looks mid-Victorian; a top hat rests upside down on another upholstered chair next to the sitter. Draperies hang in the background, where there is a painted backdrop of a door and more drapery.
Hand-coloured (originally black and white) photograph of a large house (Villa Les Rochers) with a flagpole in front of it, and a shed attached to the side of it.
Sepia-toned photo of a middle-aged gentleman, Sir Herbert Symington, sitting on a chair outdoors with garden flowers (delphiniums) behind him.
A colourful watercolour-style painting designed as an election poster, depicting two men - a farmer and possibly a butcher - who are together, on their shoulders hoisting Sir John A. Macdonald, who is carrying the British flag known as the Red Ensign, with a proud expression on his face. Under the image are the words, The Old Flag, The Old Policy, The Old Leader.
Oval sepia-toned photograph of four people (the Bate family) including an elderly man (Sir Henry Bate), a baby (his granddaughter), and two women (his wife and daughter) all dressed in white.
A head-and-shoulders portrait of Lady Agnes Macdonald, a young woman of about 30 to 35 years old, her dark hair pulled tightly into an arrangement of braids pinned behind her head. She wears a buttoned-up shirt, a cameo at her throat and a necklace the details of which are indistinguishable. Her expression is a mixture of thoughtful and stern.
A photo of the poster announcing Queen Victoria's proclamation creating the Dominion of Canada, July 1, 1867.
A photograph of three hand-coloured postcards overlapped on a table, each depicting different scenes around Rivière-du-Loup.
Black and white photo of an adult woman (Mary Macdonald) wearing a flat, vacant expression, sitting in a 19th century style wheelchair and holding a black parasol over her head.
Black and white photograph of Kenneth Molson, a tall man smiling and holding a toddler, also smiling, posing outdoors with lawn and trees in the background.
Black and white image of a medium-sized steamship ferry, in transit on a large river, with black smoke coming out of the smoke stack and the front deck crowded with people.
Black and white photo of Villa Les Rochers, a house that looks to be in two parts: a single plain A-frame farmhouse, with a large addition featuring a mansard roof on the far side. Trees and shrubs surround the house.
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