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Please browse the gallery below for all the images, videos and audio related to The Paper Mill Structures: Symbols of Vision and Innovation. Click on an item to see an enlarged image with description or to play the video/audio clip.
Photo of a framed photograph. Bird's eye view of the paper mill site with buildings, log piles and railway cars
Photograph of a framed concept drawing of the mill.
Black and white framed photograph of Francis Clergue. Frame and photograph were placed on a wooden table for this photograph.
Blue handwritten text on white ruled paper. The text is a numbered list of names, dates and accidents that took place at the paper mill.
A handwritten note on a lined piece of paper. It reads, all accidents reported to the workmen’s compensation board from October 1st 1922.
Old black notebook sitting on a wooden table. Tan coloured sticker on the side of the book reads, Accidents - 1922-1948
A detailed newspaper article on the industrial growth of Sault Ste. Marie thanks to the infusion of funds from American investors.
Newspaper article from the Globe, September 1905. It mentions Clergue as the great industrial captain of Sault Ste. Marie.
White t-shirt of a man curling. Text on the t-shirt reads, Abitibi-Price Provincial Papers, Lakehead Bonspiel, 40th Annual, 1957-1997
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