North Atlantic Aviation Museum
Gander, Terre-Neuve et Labrador

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Aviation in Gander Newfoundland - The North Atlantic Aviation Museum

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Mobile stairs, known as Air Stairs.
Ms Penney
Mt. Peyton in the far distance.
Opening nose cone, unusual for a cargo aircraft of the 1960s
PBY Flying Boat
Pontoons for water landings.
Record Breaking English Electric Canberra Jet Aircraft
Royal Cooper, pilot.
Rudders to assist in steering while on the water.
Runway 32
Sabena DC-4 Aircraft
Sabena DC-4 Aircraft Crash Site
See Reminiscence attached for the written article
Snow skiis
Snow skiis, with pneumatic shock absorbers.
St. Martin-in-the-Woods Memorial
Tail Section
Tail Section of a 737
TCH East, towards Clarenville and St. John's
The 737s were long so their noses were tilted upwards in the hangar!

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