Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Hot spot: 'Big' John 'T-Bone' Little




JL - 'Big' John 'T-Bone' Little, interviewee / LR - Lyn Royce, interviewer

LR: Go ba... back trap [sic] and tell me Like; "Bright Like A Rainbow"...

JL: Oh! We were doin' that...

LR: Tell me about that...

JL: We were... They had a, they got a big multicultural show in, in uh, St John, New Brunswick. And they got every nationality I think in the world there. And so this girl, Eve O'Connor, she decided to put something together to, uh, uh, to promote that, you, multicultural... So she had this girl name uh, [pause] ah, Angela Jenkins, she wrote this song called "Bright Like A Rainbow"...

LR: Okay...

JL: ...but there was no wor... no music to it. So she called me up, 'cause she knew me, she said 'John, can you put some music to this dan... into the song?' I says, 'Yeah.' I said, 'I hear it; now let me see it.' So I took it home and it seemed to talk to me, where it wanted to go, eh? So I forget the name of it, I forget how it goes now though, but... Anyways, I put, took my guitar and I put the chords together and all that kind of stuff, and I got my sax player and, uh, we put it together and we got a drummer and a bass player and we, we did the thing; and we, we made, made a live video of it, eh?

LR: Okay...

JL: And, uh, so Eve took it to, to the... what's the... I think she went to Toronto or something with it; yeah, she went to Toronto with it, and entered it in this contest or something for Canada. So they, they, they played it and they liked it so much, the Governor General give us an award for it. You know this is crazy, this is great, and I still got, I still got a copy of the plaque somewhere... Yeah...

LR: Isn't that great.

JL: Yeah.


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