Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Our Stories - Remembering Niagara's Proud…
Hot spot: James Gibson




JG - James Gibson, interviewee; LR2 - Lyn(nette) Roberts, interviewee [with Wilma (WM) Morrison present] / LR - Lyn Royce, interviewer

JG: I think my mother had all her children inside of a 10-year period. [19]'29-39. How bad is it, having kids in the Depression and then stop having them when times begin to turn, you know what I mean? Ok... so she had 6, I really don't know how they brought us up. I don't remember being hungry; I don't remember being without clothes, or shoes, or nothing. In fact, what I do remember, [low chuckle] is going to my buddy's house, white guy's, you know... going to their house, and uh 'Come in; Eat'...and they... they had bread, white bread, with sugar on it. That's what they had to eat. So I says, 'Geez, is that all you got to eat?' and said 'Yeah.' 'Come on to my house, man' [laughs]. 'Hey Ma!' 'Yeah!' 'What we got to eat? I brought my friend here to eat'. My mother wouldn't say, later or anything, 'What you bring him here for? Don't you know that we ain't got enough food for yerself?' Never. Never heard that. My mother, whatever she had she gave me, she gave him; eat. See, see man, see that we don't have ta eat... We eat bread and sugar man for like a treat, like you know what I mean. We don't eat this for food! You see?


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