Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Our Stories - Remembering Niagara's Proud…
Hot spot: Richard Wilson




MJ - Marlene Jamieson, interviewee; LW - Lavinia (Ann) Wilson, interviewee; RW - Richard Wilson, interviewee [with Wilma (WM) Morrison present] / LR - Lyn Royce, interviewer

MJ: I was around 4 years old. I just remember that's when the war was, war ended. And my father and I were on, on the porch, and... on McNaughton Road. And across the street, I can't remember their names, anyway, they had a trumpet and everything in there so I asked my Dad why, so he said the war was over, but I didn't know anything about the war being over.

LW: Do you remember going to the park across the street from you? Where they burned all of them? In effigy?

MJ: No.

LW: No?

MJ: No; no.

LR: I'm sorry, they burned all of who?

LW: The, the... the dictators from the war.

MJ: Burgar Park?

LR: Ah, okay...

MJ: No, I didn't know

LW: Yeah.

MJ: Excuse me. No, 'cause we were living on McNaughton Road still and, um... come up from the, I don't know, 40, 49, I don't know... Yeah. No, I didn't know that, I just learned that. Thank-you.

RW: See you guys were lucky 'cause you didn't get uh, smallpox. We had the last case of smallpox in Welland. We... Our family and the family called Moores. And...

MJ: My mother was saying something about that...

RW: ...they put a red card on the house half the size of this thing here...

WM: Oh yeah. That was when the kids used to walk across the road, you know, to get around the house...

RW: ...and the...

MJ: That's what my mother was saying I had chicken pox so bad she was talkin', thinkin' it was smallpox...

RW: Oh yeah. Well, the smallpox was really bad. We were lucky. I think, uh, my sister, she had like, uh, it looked like freckles and it was from the, the smallpox.

WM: mhmm

RW: I got sick... I couldn't... I wouldn't eat wieners till about a year, couple years ago. 'Cause I had... just recovering from the smallpox, right? And I hadn't been allowed any meat or stuff like that; I'd been eating soup and sandwiches and that. And I, I guess 2 o'clock in the morning, I got up and went down in the fridge, my Dad, I knew my Dad had brought a big thing of wieners; I just about ate 'em all. [group chuckles] Geez! Was I ever sick! Oh! [laughter] I wouldn't eat wieners to just a few years back I begin eating 'em again...

MJ: Did you know? Did you know?

LW: No, I didn't know that 1...

WM: They taste a lot worse now.

LR: Yeah, no kidding.

WM: They had flavour.


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