Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Our Stories - Remembering Niagara's Proud…
Hot spot: Ruth (Harper) Bell




RB - Ruth Bell, interviewee / LR - Lyn Royce, interviewer

LR: What kind of things do you remember having for, for meals...

RB: For meals?

LR: ...when you were a kid.

RB: Well be po... um, mashed potatoes; it's, my mother used to make stews...

LR: Okay.

RB: know, 'n have vegetables and that in it...

LR: Yeah...

RB: ... And like holidays, I think we always had a, I don't think we had turkeys, we had a goose...

LR: Okay.

RB: We used to cook a goose back then; like holi... for Christmas and that.

LR: Did, did you raise your own... chickens, anything like that?

RB: No.

LR: No? Just not enough space.

RB: When we lived across the road, there wasn't enough room.

LR: Just not enough room. Okay. Now you said that the milk man and the bread man came...

RB: Yeah.

LR: ... What, how else. How did you get the rest of your gro... your groceries.

RB: Well I guess they had to go out and buy them in some kind o' way...

LR: Yeah...

RB: 'Cause there were stores around here then - grocery stores.

LR: Okay.

RB: Like down the corner there was one there; and think there was... Well, in this area, there was Black people, Italian [pronounced 'eye'talian] people and Jewish people.

LR: Okay...

RB: In this... well, say from here up to Church Street.

LR: All together.

RB: Yeah.

LR: In the neighbourhood.

RB: And down, in the Italian store at the corner of North Street, I mean Welland Avenue, I think there was 1across the road; 1 was... I can see the names, 1 I know was named Serboni [sp?]; I don't, and there was 1 across the road here, was another little Italian store and then there was 1 had up Church Street, Church and Geneva, up that way and just went right around up to Court Street; can remember up that far. We had all these little stores.


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