Twillingate Museum and Crafts
Twillingate, Newfoundland and Labrador

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Nightingale of the North-Georgina Stirling

Georgina as a young child.
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Georgina at appr. 8 yrs. of age.
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Appr. 6 yrs old
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Georgina was offered a singing engagement with an opera company in Milan, Italy in 1890.
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Opera Singer Marie Du Bedat, known as 'Ireland's Nightingale' was a close friend of Georgina.
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Madame Sofia Scalchi was a well known prima donna contralto in the operatic world.
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Georgina's engagement at Chioggia, Italy raised her to the height of her career.
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The Scalchi Operatic Tour of America
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Georgina, around the time of her debut at 'La Scala' in Milan.
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Georgina, known as 'The Lady of the Lavender',  picking hugh bunches of lavender.
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Picking Lavender in Lady Henry's cottage and flower garden.
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Guest of the Duxhurst Farm Feeding the Chickens.
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Georgina's sister, Janet Stirling, Nursing Sister at Duxhurst Colony Hospital.
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Convalescing World War I soldiers
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Salisbury Cathedral, England
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Dr. William Archibald Stirling, Georgina's paternal grandfather.
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Dr. William Archibald Stirling, Georgina's paternal grandfather.
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