John Roestler and his Model T
Chalk River, Ontario, Canada


John Roestler of Chalk River remodeled this car from a Model T about 1930. He was very handy around machinery, recalls Walter Smith. The Roestlers had a lumber mill on Corry lake in the 1920's and a grist mill on the present day Law Road. Smith helped Roestler take a saw mill drawn by horses around to area farms in the spring. They would cut the logs felled in the winter into stove lengths for stacking for next years firewood.
(North Renfrew Times -29 Sept 1990)


Chalk River Boy's Band
Chalk River, Ontario, Canada


Many middle aged villagers living in Chalk River today (1979), still remember Chalk River during the depression years. Our community, as well as many others had large numbers of men out of work. Consequently, in order to feed, house, and get men off the roads, the government set up camps where they could be accommodated and in return do light forestry work. The pay was small , (20 cents a day) but the food was nourishing and free of charge. A camp such as this , housing approximately 500 men was set up across Corry Lake in conjunction with and under the supervision of the Federal Forestry.

Some of these men were well educated as well as talented. Such was the case of Mr. Bill Ormaston, who noted that many of the boys around were between the ages of 14 and 17 and whose parents had a steady income. He decided to approach the parents to form a Brass and Reed Band. In less than two years Bill not only had his Band successfully operating, but had sold enough music that the Selmore Music Company donated him a new 1935 Ford car. The basement of the Presbyterian Church (presently the location of the library) was used as a Band room. Within two years Bill and the Chalk River Boys Band competed at the Toronto and the Ottawa Exhibitions, as well as doing concerts and playing marches for different organizations at various locations. The C.P.R. played an important role by providing free transportation. If one looks closely at the tunics in the picture , you can see C.P.R.. As the war of 1939 came upon us the band lost its membership rapidly. Two members, Luke McCarthy, son of Mrs Jerry McCarthy and Douglas McGillis, son of Mr & Mrs George McGillis joined the R.C.H.A. Band at Petawawa.


Chalk River Roman Catholic Church Confirmation Class, 1931
Chalk River, Ontario, Canada


Chalk River Roman Catholic Confirmation Class 1931


Chalk River Women's Missionary Society
Chalk River, Ontario, Canada


Women's Missionary Society of Chalk River 1933.
From left, rear row, Mrs. Adolph Crigger, Mrs. Ken Cuthbert, Mrs. Arthur Kristink, Mrs. Alec McGillis Sr.

Second row, Mrs. John McKay, Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs Richard Tennant (midwife), Mrs. William Leach.

Front row, Mrs. Edward Shultz, Mrs. Walter Coxford, Mrs. Alex McGillis Jr., Mrs. Cliff Hill, Mrs. Bruce Gordon (wife of Rev Bruce Gordon), and Mrs. Harry Leach. ,Absent were Mrs. Harold McKay and Mrs. William Shultz


C.P.R. Picnic
19 July 1930
Chalk River, Ontario, Canada


CPR Picnic, Chalk River , 19 July 1930.


Chalk River, Ontario, Canada


Front row L to R. Ernie Kean, Dick Moffat, Pat Owens, Bill Leach. Back row - Tom Tennant and Sid Pudney. (1945)


Chalk River Girls with the School in the background
Chalk River, Ontario, Canada


Chalk River Girls with the School in the background