2004 Award Networking Category
Millet, Alberta, Canada


2004 National Level
Judges (Katheryn Carnegie of Ajax, Ontario & Luc Dethier of Laval, Quebec) Comments

Tidiness Effort~ Millet is being very successfully promoted as a tourist destination.

Community Involvement~ The Community Involvement in Millet is exemplary!
The Mayor and Council are very supportive of volunteeer groups within the community.
"Work Bees" are scheduled for planting and maintenence of all municipal beds, and committees exist to deal with promoting the town as a tourist destination at shows and fairs.
An annual awards evening honors winners of the local garden contest and gives appreciation to the volunteers.

Natural and Architectural Heritage Conservation~ The Museum has an excellent collection of artifacts which are all well cared for, and are used for educational programs.
Various methoda such as History Books, Souvenir Booklets, Visual presentations, murals, the legacy garden, and a website certainly provide a compendium of the Town's History.
There is a c oncerted effort to plaque historic sites. Much research has gone into the materials used for these plaques.

Floral Displays~ The hanging baskets on the newly painted light standards in front of the shops in the commercial area are thriving.
These, along with the newly-grouped barrels and cement planters serve to give an effective mass effect of color.
A member of the town staff has designed a custom, ingenious quick plug showerhead irrigation system which has greatly reduced the time and energy spent watering planters.
There is a very imaginative use of old implements in the flower beds which pays homage to the agricultural history of the town.