Maxwell O. Gillespie
(1908 - )

Maxwell "Max" Gillespie learned the art of angling at an early age, but did not begin to guide until he was twenty-seven. For the next forty-eight years, Max studied salmon at close range, going so far as to wear sneakers so as not to disturb the fish and donning old wigs to disguise himself. His special fishing techniques, keen eye and sense of humor have made him extremely popular with such famous fishermen as Charles and Vivian Kerlee, Benny Goodman, Mead Shaeffer, William Heaslip, Leslie Gill, Dewy Babcock, Everett Garrison to name a few. Gillespie is a natural with his sharp wit and outgoing personality - described by one of his longtime regulars Frances McLaughlin, Gill is an entrepreneur and true son of the Miramichi.

Max Gillespie is a dedicated conservationist who continuously gives suggestions on how the Atlantic Salmon should be protected.



D'arcy L. O'Donnell
Doaktown, New Brunswick, Canada


D'Arcy L. O'Donnell

D'Arcy (Doris) O'Donnell operated a restaurant, barber shop and fishing tackle business in Doaktown from the early twenties until his death in 1948. He also operated overnight cabins from the mid thirties until approximately 1946, catering mostly to salmon fishermen. Existing evidence indicates that "Doris" was tying and selling flies as early as 1924, and was probably the first in the area to do so. He tied most of his flies in the winter when business was slow and sold them in his barber shop the following spring and summer. "Doris" was also skillful at making fishing rods. He was an avid angler himself and was known to leave a customer sitting in the barber chair and go fishing. Although D'Arcy derived part of his income from selling salmon flies, he had a very practical attitude concerning them: "The best fly is the one you catch the most fish with, and that probably means the one you fish the most with. It isn't so much the fly you fish with as the way you offer it."



Eldred DeWolfe
New Brunswick, Canada


Eldred Dewolfe Bailey

Eldred Bailey has devoted a lifetime to matters related to salmon fishing. He is known internationally as a camp operator and outfitter; above all he is an active, dedicated and outspoken conservationist. He has pursued the objective of establishing a suitable environment as well as sound laws and other protective measures to ensure the continued existence of the Atlantic Salmon. Eldred is a founding member of the Miramichi Salmon Association and has brought to that body, in its formative stages, a full understanding of the vital role played by the outfitting business in the overall success of the angling industry as well as its input in the role of salmon conservation. He has made himself available for all association undertakings and in his opinion no job was too great or too small. He is a charter member of the Saint John River Anglers Association and the Bay of Chaleur Salmon Association. He served as a member of many other conservationist groups during the greater part of his adult life and his insistence in fairness and sound judgment has been recognized all along the Miramichi.



Wilsons Willard Weston Wilson
New Brunswick, Canada


Wilson's Sporting Camps LTD.

It is well documented that the WILSONS were bringing sportsmen to the Miramichi area as early as the mid-eighteen hundreds. However, the present Wilson's Camps date back to the nineteen twenties when the founder of the business, Willard Weston Wilson, began bringing fly fishermen to the region and boarding them in his home. As most of the clientele came from that facility initially, the business was described at that time as a private club for Dartmouth College. Willard continued to manage and expand the business until 1948 when ill health forced him to hand the reins over to his son Murray who had been involved in the venture with his father for some time and assumed the management position easily. Murray introduced organized advertising of the business and the first brochure was printed in 1950. In 1968 Murray and his son Karl began to operate the business in partnership. Karl had been interested in angling and outfitting from an early age, so this move was natural, and the arrangement continued until Murray's death in 1974. Karl then assumed sole management of his father's business until his premature death in 1983 at the age of fifty.



John Storey
Storeytown, New Brunswick, Canada


John Morrissey Storey

John (Jack) Storey was born in Storeytown on April 11, 1910. Residing near the banks of the Miramichi, he naturally became interested in fishing salmon at an early age. He was an expert at handling a canoe regardless of water conditions and this served him in good stead as he became involved in the guiding profession. A guide's reputation is based primarily on his ability to take his fisherman to locations inhabited by fish. Since Jack was an experienced angler and fly-tyer, he earned top rating among guides on the Miramichi and these qualities earned him the plaudits of those he served. One fisherman whom Jack guided pointed out that he was courteous, dependable and an excellent guide - always contributing beyond that which one would ask or expect.



Clifford Gordon Rutledge
Riverside, New Brunswick, Canada


Clifford Gordon Rutledge

Clifford (Cliff) Rutledge was born in Riverside, Albert County, New Brunswick, and was the son of a Baptist Minister who subsequently moved to Doaktown. For many years Cliff operated a successful service station business in Doaktown and eventually became interested in fly fishing. His initial interest was trout fishing but he soon became "hooked" on tempting the lively Atlantic Salmon. Cliff was not a spring fisherman and did not care for boats but enjoyed wading in the pursuit of the "bright salmon". He proved to be a very knowledgeable angler and imparted his ideas to those who displayed interest in the sport. He was a well-known outfitter who hosted many recognized personages of his day.



Everett Price
Blackville, New Brunswick, Canada


Everett Price

Everett Price was born in Priceville in July 16, 1893 and died in Blackville in 1954. He became interested in fly fishing at a very early age, which gave him the incentive to acquire new skills and to develop techniques in fly-tying. Such practices have made a lasting impression on the sport of fly fishing in the Miramichi. Everett is recognized as a pioneer in the development of hair wing flies, which were tied with hair obtained locally because of the expense of importing the British commodity. He was known as an expert in the art of fly-tying teacher. He is credited with instructions Ira Gruber, (a well known American fly-fisherman and fly-tyer of his day), the art of tying flies. Everett's other activities included work as a guide and warden.



Father Elmer James Smith
Philadelphia, Penn., U.S.A.