Over the Top Museum
Birchy Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador

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The Birth of a Community, The Story of Birchy Bay
Location: Birchy Bay/ Baytona, Newf...




Henry Lewis - "T'was stink enough to knock you down."
Desmond Canning - "Was that right though?"
Henry Lewis - "You knows it would be, you'd be in the woods for two months you wouldn't change your clothes."
Desmond Canning - "What?"
Henry Lewis - "My son, I could tell you stories you wouldn't beleive. You wouldn't change your clothes if it was summer you might go and slouse out in the lake somewhere. But what you had on stayed on and when you quit and come home you'd take it all off and burn it. Heave it in the stove and burn it all."
Desmond Canning - "Very good then."
Henry Lewis - "Yes my son, I don't know, I don't know."
Desmond Canning - "Must of been hard?"
Henry Lewis - "Rough, she was rough, she was rough and like I said it would be stink enough to knock you down, was smelly, sweaty, dirty clothes. You know what I mean, my son?
Desmond Canning - "Yeah."
Henry Lewis - "But when you get there after a day you get use to it. Didn't smell it see."
Desmond Canning - "Didn't smell it?"
Henry Lewis - "No"
Desmond Canning - "Okay."
Henry Lewis - "What a stink. It was unreal." (laughs)
Desmond Canning - "I can only imagine."
Henry Lewis - "My sonny boy, but ah she was rough by even before I went into the woods it was worst before, worst than that before."
Desmond Canning - "So they had tractors and all of that was on the go when you was in the woods?"
Henry Lewis - "Oh yes, that was starting tractors and stuff like that. They was starting to improve a little bit."
Desmond Canning - "Yeah"
Henry Lewis - "Two dollars a cord"
Desmond Canning - "Yeah a cord of wood."
Henry Lewis - "Six by six, five foot wood then thats square blocks. Two dollars."
Desmond Canning - "And you cut with a chainsaw?"
Henry Lewis - "No with bucksaw. It was all bucksaw then my son now that was the lowest price of wood then how it was graded. Good wood was the lowest price eh and the worst the wood was you got an higher price then the bad wood you know?"
Desmond Canning - "Did ya?"
Henry Lewis - "Different prices then. What they called the blue the good wood the blue wood was two dollars. Boy oh boy if you cut two cord of wood see you only got four dollars there. Then it was your board that same out of that sixty cents your board was sixty cents a day."
Desmond Canning - "Sixty cents a day."
Henry Lewis - "Yeah if you damadged a bucksaw you'd have to pay for that. There's another sixty cents if you broke a blade off you get a bit of baccy."


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