Shown here are three former cadets: Keith Taylor, CO Hudson Davis, and Fred Saunders. It is interesting to note that the plate number on Hudson's car reads "five 89". Hudson is still interested in the squadron has returned several times for reunions and Annual Inspections.

Audio Transcript:
My name is Hudson Davis, First Commanding Officer of 589 Squadron. Not only do I cherish my time spent with 589, but I use the squadron number as all or part of all the numbers in my life... my telephone number 436-5890, the car licence pictured here, my cell phone number, the locks on my briefcase. Maybe I'll have it inscribed some day on my tombstone.


Many cadets are tied to the squadron in their own way. They have many fond memories and photographs. When you meet someone from Carbonear, one of the first questions asked is "Were you ever in Air Cadets".