Scale model of the octagonal shed.
Alliston, Ontario


Pete McGarvey relates an amusing incident from Nelson Banting's nearby farm, involving the driving shed:

"My cousin Jean's wedding to Gordon Webster of Creemore, in the summer of 1938, brought scores of relatives to the farm on the Scotch Line. My mother and I were among them (why I was chosen I still can't understand; I had two older brothers.) The wedding was solemnized in a grove of pines planted years before by my uncle. Afterwards came the feasting … and horseplay.

"Two of my Drennan uncles, Bill and George, were ring-leaders in the latter.

"They located Gordon Webster's Chrysler Airflow sedan in the driving-shed and proceeded to decorate it with horseshoes, cans and bottles. A bar of soft soap was used to scrawl "Just Married" and "Watch Creemore Grow" on the doors. They went at it with a vengeance, calling for volunteers to assist. Uncle Bill shouted "Fred!" several times but got no response. Fred Banting, in a clawtail coat and striped trousers, was absorbed in a conversation with a cousin.

"'FRED!!' came the summons again. Again it was ignored.

"Uncle Bill was not [to] be put off."


Scale model of the farm buildings.
Alliston, Ontario


"'SIR FREDERICK BANTING!' he [Pete's Uncle Bill Drennan] bellowed.

"THIS time he got a response. Fred whipped off his fancy coat, rolled up his sleeves and joined the wrecking crew in the shed. The crowning touch was to be a doghouse, secured to the top of the car. He helped lift it in place. While all this was happening, lookouts kept an eye out for the new bride and groom, who finally emerged from the house to depart on their honeymoon. But NOT in the sedan decorated in the driving shed. Their own Chrysler Airflow was parked near the front gate!

"Again, Uncle Nelson was not amused. Nor was the real owner of the vehicle in the driving shed. The red-faced decorators, including the discoverer of Insulin, spent the next hour putting things to right."


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