Marlow and Marjorie Banks with their children Brian, Bonnie and Blair on their wedding anniversary.
15 June 1954
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada


Soon after his return, their second child, Bonnie, was born. They put their name in to purchase a war time house, they had Bonnie and that gave them extra points towards being offered one of these homes. They had to buy some new furniture when they got the house, but they managed. The war time house was a Godsend because it was reasonable and it was big enough for the two kids. They stayed there until 1955, almost 10 years. While living here they had another child so there were three children in a small war time house. It was so small they had to store things in a little shed in the yard, but they didn't have much to store.

Marlow bought the lot of his current house on Gordon Avenue for $250. He and Marjorie planned the house for 3 years. The Banks' moved to their brand new home in November of 1955. Marlow has been in that house for 50 years.