Harold Rodney 'Rod' Wilson Senior



He was elected to the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame in 1988, and a line on his citation reads: "It is clear that he carries on a baseball tradition that began with those. . . Hall of Fame teams and players of the 1930s." Rod's nomination for induction to the Hall has an even stronger connection to the teams and players of the 1930s as it was submitted by his wife's father, Arthur Lowe, who was a member of the 1935 Kiwanis and the St. Croixs from 1936 to 1939. Art paid tribute to his son-in-law when he wrote: "There is scarcely a child in the entire community who has not been taught or coached by Rod Wilson and has not been throughly enriched by the experience. His dedication to all of our children, the quality of his instruction and his personal standards of excellence stand as a model for us all."