Amos Seaman School Museum
River Hebert, Nova Scotia

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King Seaman - His Legacy Continues
Location: Minudie, Nova Scotia

Photo of Jane Seaman, daughter of Amos and Jane Seaman.
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Mary Seaman, daughter of Amos and Jane Seaman.
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Rufus Seaman, third son of Amos and Jane Seaman.
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Sarah Seaman, youngest child of Amos and Jane Seaman, and Francis Baker.
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William Seaman, son of Amos and Jane Seaman.
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A photo of Amos Seaman, taken about 1860.
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Minudie, in the early 1900's
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A drawing by Bessie Seaman, great granddaughter of Amos Seaman.
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Exercise book belonging to Mary Symes, a student at the Minudie in the 1880's.
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A memorandum for the trustees of the Minudie School.
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'Needles and pins', from one of the Seaman family homes in Minudie.
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A page from the Minudie school register in 1949.
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A fourth grade student's report card from the Minudie School in 1937-1938.
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Emma Seaman's scribbler from the Minudie School in 1867.
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The agreement between Sarah Sproul, a teacher, and three Minudie school trustees.
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A teacher's journal from 1881, which lists all the teachers in the Province of Nova Scotia.
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The original stove and desks from the Minudie school house.
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A bible from one of the Seaman homes, dated 1857.
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