Thrashing machine at a local farm in Minudie.
Minudie, Nova Scotia


This photo was taken at Baron Baker's barn in Barronsfield, the day the thrashing machine arrived. It was named the "Little Giant" , and was made in Sussex, NB. The little engine on the machine came from Ohio.

These extracts from the Gilbert Seaman Diary describe the farming life in Minudie in the 1870's.

June 1878
Sat. 15 Weather fine, much farming done. More in this settlement than ever before. The hard times has impressed the inhabitants with the necessity of cultivating the soil and having something growing while they were sleeping. About 120 bushels of wheat has been sewn in Minudie and Barronsfield, beside other grains. Gilbert Seaman finished planting 25 bush. Potatoes.

Wed. 19 G. Seaman sewed 14 quarts of grey buckwheat in less than 3/4th of an acre of land

January 1877
Tue. 29 Marsden Martin went to Bents Mill with 45 bushel barley to get ground.

November 1878
Thur. 28 Schr. Jennette T. Hibbard at Lower Cove taking in potatoes for N. York at 50/ per bushel ....


The pastorage rates for the Minudie Big Pasture, in 1876.
Minudie, Nova Scotia


This document shows the pastorage rates for 1876.
The following information from Gilbert Seaman's diary gives details of farming equipment and livestock in October 1876.

October 1876
Mon. 2 An estimate of various articles in Minudie and Barronsfield as follows:
Minudie Barronsfield
Horses 88 50
Cows 144 68
Oxen 49 18
Mining Cattle 265 200
Pigs 107 45
Sheep 361 221
Carts 21 19
Wagons 46 31
Mowing Machines 19 9
Geese 398 207
Poultry 502 248
Ploughs 43 31


The Minudie wharf.
Minudie, Nova Scotia


This photo shows a schooner at the Minudie wharf. The building on the wharf itself is the waiting room and freight shed for the ferry.

The shipping industry continued to be prosperous after Amos Seaman, as these extracts from Gilbert's diary show:

September 1875
Wed.8 Schr. Russian Councillor - Capt. Barnes left the wharf to load stone at L. Cove for Boston.

December 1875
- Capt. Joseph Atkinson, 434 tons register which loaded with deals, hardwood and grindstones for Liverpool.


Inside cover of a log book for the Schooner Aloe.
Located in a heritage home in Minudie, Nova Scotia


This log book was from one of the Seaman schooners "Aloe", for the years 1862 & 1863. It ran regular trips from Minudie to Boston and the West Indies. Gilbert mentions it many times in his diary:

September 1876
Tue. 5 Schr. Aloe finished loading towards night at Lower Cove and Frank Seaman left at 9 p.m. to go in her to Boston as passenger to join arms of the firm A.S. & Co. - Grindstones - Pearl St. Wharf.

April 1878
Mon.1 Aloe with preped hay for Saint John.
Fri. 26 Schr. Aloe at D. Cove ready for sea in charge of Capt. Job Barnes


A winter view of the Minudie wharf, around 1910.
Minudie, Nova Scotia


This winter photo of the bay shows the wharf and freight/passenger shed for the ferry. During the summer months when the ferry ran from Minudie to Amherst point, merchandise was stored in the shed until the owners collected it. The building was also a waiting room for the passengers.

Gilbert refers to the ferry frequently in his diary:

April 1883
Tue. 24 The ferry boat first across the river today.
May 1884
Thur. 15 Willie Seaman and Amos Downey in sailing in the ferry boat, capsized her, got on her bottom and after a while were taken off by another boat; a pretty narrow escape.


The 'Little Dan' Ferry that ran from Minudie to Amherst.
Minudie, Nova Scotia


This photo from 1918, shows the Amherst ferry, the "Little Dan" which ran from Minudie to Amherst point, at high tide during the summer months. Amos Seaman had built a floating wharf in his time and then a permenant wharf was built by the government in 1906. A large barge, also built by Seaman, was used in the early years of the ferry service. This would be shackled to the back of the ferry boat and used to load cattle, horses or pressed hay to take across the river.
Ferry captains included; James Doncaster, Captain William Downey and Captain Barry Sherwood.


The Minudie wharf, showing a schooner and the ferry that ran across to Amherst.
Minudie, Nova Scotia


Amos built the first store in Minudie in 1816, close to the wharf. shown to the far left of this photo. He refers to it in his diary on Sunday Sept. 29th 1861:

It appears as though my life has Jest begun. For 50 years & Something more I went abroud & keep a store at hom where conforts did abound. But If all be well I leve in the morning for St. John to puck up afew articles for winter use for myself and neighbours