This is the agreement between the teacher Sarah Sproul, (with a second class license) and the three Minudie school trustees. It is dated May 1st, 1891 and is signed by the trustees; Joseph Quigley, Alfred Brian and Fred Seaman. The term ran until October 31st and the salary mentioned in the agreement is $80 to be paid from the school funds.


A memorandum for the trustees of the Minudie School.
Minudie, Nova Scotia


A Memorandum for the Trustees of the Minudie School, at the end of the school term October 31st, 1892. This is paying the Minudie school $32.42 for 1 teacher for a total of 108 days, from the County School Fund.


A drawing by Bessie Seaman, great granddaughter of Amos Seaman.
Minudie, Nova Scotia


This page is part of a drawing course booklet which belonged to Bessie Seaman, and is dated from 1899 to 1900. Bessie was a great, great granddaughter to Amos and Jane Seaman.


Original school register from the Minudie School dated September, 1900.
Minudie, Nova Scotia


An original school register from the Minudie School dated 1900. The children are listed with their age on August 1st of 1899, the number of days they attended school, followed by the signature of their parent or guardian (on the far right). In that year there were 38 students at the school, with ages ranging from 5 to 16 and grades 1 to 9.


Josephine Shortt
Minudie, Nova Scotia


Josephine Shortt was teacher at the Minudie school from 1917 to 1920. She was a 'normal graduate' in 1916, and held a Class B License. Her salary ranged from $275 to $360.

This photo was taken outside the school around 1920. There were 38 students enrolled at the Minudie school in 1920.


The 1924 to 1925 class of the Minudie School.
Minudie, Nova Scotia


This photo, taken outside the Minudie school is of the 1924-25 class of students. The teacher was Leadora DesBarres and she had 30 students that year.


The school picnic with both Minudie and Barronsfield school, held at Mill Creek, near Minudie.
Minudie, Nova Scotia


This photo is of the school picnic at Mill Creek in the late 1920's, for the students of Minudie and Barronsfield schools.

Gilbert Seaman makes many references to the school picnics held at Mill Creek in earlier years.

September 1875
A picnic under the auspices of Lottie Kerr, our school teacher, for the school children, takes place today.
July 1879
Sat. 12 Miss Higgins, teacher of the Minudie School, had a picnic of her scholars at Mill Creek.

September 1880
Wed. 1 Miss Logan, our School Teacher, had a picnic of her school children, and others in the hardwood hill at or near Downings Cove.


The class of 1925 at the Minudie School.
Minudie, Nova Scotia