The Atagi's lived at Quathiaski Cove, Quadra Island.
Quathiaski Cove


They had loved the coast-and our Cove. How they must have longed for one more glimpse of the world that they had known and loved but which had been so cruelly taken from them… They never spoke of it, but the meticulous avoidance of the subject belied the depth of their longing, and pain.


Aya's Parents


A few years after the war was over and the War Measures Act had been repealed, we returned to Kaslo from Bay Farm, near Slocan, where we had once again been transferred. They carved a new life for us here, made new friends, and planted a little garden. They led a quiet life, living for each other, welcoming each day with a gladsome heart. They avoided speaking of the life that had been but could never be recaptured. It would be a futile and torturous exercise. That life was gone forever, never to be regained.

In the 70's they both drew their last breaths here in Kaslo which they had adopted as their own. At that moment did their thoughts turn to their beloved Cove? As their spirits soured to the world above, did they turn and circle over Quadra Island once more? And pause over our home in the Cove?

In a secret private recess of my mind I imagine and wonder and hope.


Rainbow Over Kootenay Lake


Did a rainbow appear to mark their passage: and did it arch over them, protective and welcoming, as their spirits soared into the sky? Did the salt of their farewell tears intermingle with the raindrops that fell on the swells that gently rocked our boats and fell on the swells that washed the shore below our home, the home to which Father had brought Mother as a shy young bride: Was there the usual profusion of flowers in their garden, the air redolent with their perfume: were there Monarchs fluttering over them and hummingbirds sipping the nectar: As they winged their way joyfully heavenward, did they carry happy memories with them?


Beach on Quadra Island
Quadra Island, BC


Sixty years later, I dream still. In my dreams I see the Cove, feel the salt air caress my cheeks, hear the deep haunting boom of the foghorn, the swishing of the waves on the beach, and the screaming of the seagulls. I see Papa and Mama, Yute and me, on the sundeck that juts out over the water, enjoying our time together. There are hanging baskets, potted plants, and bonsai. I dream - I yearn - and it hurts still.

Gone is that idyllic life-gone forever, gone never more to return.
No, Never. Nevermore.