Macaulay Heritage Park
Picton, Ontario

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Dutch Heritage in Prince Edward County
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The fellow I worked for actually was a nice guy. And his wife was an ex schoolteacher. And she was trying her darndest to teach me how to speak English. Every night after supper… They were getting the Globe & Mail in the mail, only it would be a day or two old by then. Anyways she would pick out an article and tell me to read that and study it and tell her what was in it and words in English. They had three little kids and they are wonderful teachers, because if you make a mistake they don't sit and laugh. They just say 'No Arn, this is how it is done' sort of thing. The farmer told me one day, 'You know son there are lots of easier ways to learn the English language.' And I said 'Oh Yeh?' (laughter). And he said 'Take out Canadian girls!'


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