Nickerson, Claude Myron. Private.



Mr and Mrs Thomas Nickerson also lost two sons. Claude Myron killed in action on 13 December 1943 and Edsel James killed in action in Italy on 17 September 1944. The following letter was written by Major Arthur Smith who conducted the funeral services for Claude:
" Let me say how sorry I am. It is grief to you but I hope it may be softened by the great sense of pride you may have in your boy who did not hesitate to risk his life for what he knew to be good and true. He was brought to our field ambulance December 13th very badly wounded and passed away shortly afterwards, quietly and peacefully without suffering. We buried him the next day with two others from the same regiment in a little British cemetery at a place called Fessicia. His grave is marked like all the others, with the cross bearing his name and unit. There are more than 50 of our boys buried there. Eventaully the remains of our Canadian boys who have laid down their lives in Italy will be collected and placed in one central cemetery. Everything was done for your boy and that he recieved every attention, and in death he was accorded the highest honor our circumstances permit - a soldier's burial- no honor is too high for such as he. May you be comforted in the recollection that no one ever dies in vain. Least of all a soldier of Canada, who served and died for this great cause to which we are all committed.