Arthur Douglas was born in Dauphin
Mather Manitoba Canada


Arthur Douglas was born in Dauphin, and grew up on his parents' homestead six miles east of Mather. In 1915 at the age of sixteen, he enlisted in the Canadian Army and served overseas, with the 44th Battalion from 1916 to 1919, receiving the Military Medal for devotion to duty. He came to Mather in the spring of 1922 to enter the blacksmith business with Mr. Archie Hill


Herb Harris was born March 10, 1880 in Cornwall, England.
Mather Manitoba Canada


Herb Harris was born March 10, 1880 in Cornwall, England. He came to Canada March 10, 1910 to his Uncle Jethro Harris and family. He spent considerable time there and worked at a number of farms in the Mather District.
After the First World War broke out he enlisted in the Armed Forces and went Overseas in 1915. Upon his return in 1919 he continued to work in the area until about 1950 when he made his home with the Stan Kemp family. Herb passed away on January 10, 1968.


John Harris born 1895.
Mather Manitoba Canada


John Harris, born 1895, eldest son of Jethro and Jennie Harris served overseas from 1914 - 1918. He married Dorthy Quintaine July 4, 1927. "Big John and Doll" as they are affectionately known to their friends, have always been active in community affairs. One of the first jobs Dorthy tackled after their marriage was that of washing John's bachelor-days white shirts. It seems, John didn't care much for laundering, white shirts so there was a huge pile awaiting his bride when they returned from their honeymoon.
One day that first summer of their marriage John came home from the field with a wild rose bush. Dorthy planted and cared for it through the years and each time they moved she took a piece of her wild rose bush with her, leaving some still growing by each house they left.


Allen Hopper no record.
Mather Manitoba Canada


Allen Hopper No Record


Stan Howard was born on the family homestead in July, 1896.
Mather Manitoba Canada


Stan Howard was born on the family homestead in July, 1896 and received his early education at Howard School. He recalls that his older brother Edgar was the caretaker of the school and would ride horseback early each morning to light the fire. Stan and Karl and the teacher, Miss Mima Henderson who boarded at the Howards, would drive later. Edgar's horse, at four o'clock, was let loose ahead of the one hitched to the jumper. One stormy afternoon the lead horse missed the corner and other followed. Three boys and a teacher were very worried when they just did not know where they were, but eventually they arrived home safely.
Stan joined the Bank of Hamilton in 1914 and was stationed first in Snowflake where he met Margaret Findley. When he returned from overseas in 1919 he decided to make farming his career and joined his father on the home farm. Margaret and Stan were married in 1920. They had one daughter, Ferne. About 1940, it was clear that Stan, because of ill health, would not be able to continue farming and they moved to Gladstone in 1941 where Stan bought a grocery store.


Joe Jennings joined the Lord Strathcona Horse Regiment
Mather Manitoba Canada


Joe Jennings arrived in Canada at the age of seventeen and from the employment office at Winnipeg, was sent to Mr. Wm. Alder of the Mylor District, "this became his home away from home."
His sister, Cleopatra, and her husband Arthur had booked passage on the Titanic in 1912, but the trip was never made and her husband died as the result of an industrial accident.
Since his Cleopatra now had full responsibility of the family, Joe decided she had better bring them to Canada. She recalled they were very pleased to be met at the Mather Railway Station by brother Joe who loaded them into a large double surrey he had borrowed from Mr. Tom Caughlin for whom he had worked. On their way they stopped at the Jas. Robinson farm where Myrtle supplied them with refreshment. That was their first taste of Canadian hospitality.
When the war broke out, Joe joined the Lord Strathcona Horse Regiment and went overseas, leaving the family on their own. When Joe returned he attended Manitoba College and later became a superintendent in the C. N. R. shops in Transcona.


Frank Kavaner No Record
Mather Manitoba Canada


Frank Kavaner and his wife Joyce came to Mather in the early fifties.