Colleen McNaught receiving her award for "Outstanding Farmers' Market Manager of the Year" for AB.
April, 2007
Leduc, Alberta

Bentley Farmer's Market Society
Bentlley Museum Society


Submitted by Margaret Beddoes
Excerpts from Secretary Minutes:
In 1986, an Organizational Meeting to discuss the need of a Farmers' Market was held at the Bentley Drop-in. Pat Lavery, Robbie Moore and Brenda Thevanaz were the main instigators. The meeting consisted of Pat Lavery, Robbie Moore, Brenda Thevanaz, Shirley Butcher, Nellie Wilkins, Dick Moore, Gladys Savastianik, Ethel Stephenson, Ethel and Doyle Clinton, Herald Peterson, Leona Wright, Paulette Williams, Marilyn Lutwick, Ruth Detrich, Gloria Fletcher. I could not attend this meeting but was involved as well.
The Executive members were Manager/Treasurer, Pat Lavery and Secretary, Robbie Moore. The markets were to be held from May long weekend to September long weekend from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Pre-booking of tables was sixteen dollars for four successive weeks or five dollars per week. The Grand Opening was Mother's Day 1986. To start us off, we received a total of $200 in donations from the Bentley Elks Lodge, Royal Purple Lodge and the Booster Club.
Bylaws were presented by Grace Rietema and Marg Beddoes. The Curling Club charged thirty-five dollars per market. Corsages were given to the first twenty-five ladies for Mother's Day and twenty-five cans of WD40 were given to the first twenty-five men on Father's Day.
By July28, 1986, we had raised enough money to pay for fifty-five chairs at $6.99 each, twenty-five large tables, a money box and equipment totalling $275, a vacuum cleaner at a cost of $225, more chairs at a cost of $209 and forty dollars for music provided by Red Deer College musicians. The first markets averaged twenty-six to thirty-three vendors.
A calendar was made up by Harold Peterson containing Host and Hostess times scheduled. Each market, as people arrived, they would sign their names in our guest book and also be given a ticket for door prizes which were either bought by our committee or donated by vendors. Marg brought an old door with hooks on the front to hold the "door prizes". Some of the hostesses I remember were: Norva Landry, Rhea and Harold Peterson, Edna Hansen, Robert and Ethel Stephenson and Edith Sommers. When needed, members of the Farmers' Market committee helped out.
September 27 was "Kid's Day". We organized a jelly bean counting contest for the kids and a zucchini weight guess for the adults. Also invited was Don Freeman to perform his three-legged act which was a smashing success. He dressed as a clown and gave a great performance. The kids who had tables for this event were given a silver dollar by judges who judged the most decorated tables. Music for the day was Bob Farnaugh. Free coffee and donuts were given to the vendors.
We held our first "Christmas Market" at the Community Hall in conjunction with the Bentley Pleasure Painters. In April 1987 for the Easter Market, Grace Rietema dressed up as an Easter Bunny and the Over-the-Hill-Gang painted Easter eggs for the kids. The Over-the-Hill-Gang consisted of Robbie Moore, Gladys Savastianik, Nellie Wilkins and Ethel Stephenson and were a fun loving bunch of ladies who baked for the Farmers' Markets.
Committees were: Welcoming (Harold Peterson), Advertising (Marg Beddoes) and Entertainment (Marilyn Lutwick). Pat Lavery remained the Manager/Treasurer for the 1988 year but resigned in 1989 and was replaced by Robbie Moore. Other committee members were: Keith Boot who was in charge of the signs, Grace Rietema (Welcoming), Marg Beddoes (Advertising), Herb Corbett (Treasurer), Shirley Butcher (Secretary) and Marilyn Lutwick (Entertainment).
On April 16, 1991, Robbie Moore resigned as Market Manager and Ena Boot took over. I might add Ena Boot and Keith Boot managed the market as volunteers (none of the managers received payment) for this arduous task. They were so great at this job for which we are very grateful. Other committee members were: Advertising (Marg Beddoes), Secretary (Shirley Butcher), Signs (Keith Boot made them and Marg Beddoes painted). The Royal Purple Ladies looked after the lunch tables and still do to this very day (with the help of other organizations).
The May 5, 1992 meeting saw the following committee members being assigned: Blaine and Marilyn Lutwick (Music), Denise Henry (Welcoming Table), Judy Cook (Advertising) and Dean Haarstad (Clean-up).
Those present at the September 1992 meeting included Ena Boot, Marg Beddoes, Judy Cook, Wally Cook, and Herb Corbett. They discussed the Christmas Market and also donated $1,500 to the Bentley Curling Club, $500 to the Ladies Hospital Auxiliary, $500 to the Bentley Museum, $200 to the Library and $200 to Bentley Minor Hockey.
On September 8, 1993, Rick Cookson-Hills took over the Bookings for the markets. We also moved the lunch tables to the curling rink lobby.
On April 19, 1995, Ena Boot remained Manager with Brenda Spycher, Ilene Christensen, Rick Cookson-Hills and Shirley Butcher as other members of the committee.
At the September 11, 1996 meeting it was decided to pay a manager as tables were up to ninety-three vendors per market! The Welcoming Table was omitted. Ena and Keith Boot resigned as managers along with committee member, Ileen Christensen. It was suggested that the new manager would be paid $12.50 per hour and the assistant would be paid ten dollars per hour.
The April 23, 1998 minutes note members as Ena Boot, Ileen Christiansen, Bert Vanderlough, Leslie Garries, Shirley Butcher, Brenda Spycher and Grace Rietema. Rhonda Stanchfield was hired as Market Manager. Her wages were $150 per week and fifty dollars per week for cleaning.
Maureen Brown became Market Manager on February 15, 2000. Eighty-three vendors were recorded at the July 17, 2003 market.
In December 2002, Colleen McNaught became Market Manager. Board members were Brenda, Carol, Leslie, Bill, Colleen, Vicki, Diana, Brenda and Fred. Presently the Executive is: Fred Peterson (President), Brenda Spycher (Vice-President/Secretary), Leslie Garries (Treasurer) with Colleen McNaught, Joanne Rosso, Garret Pickard and Sheila Kelba-Warawa (Directors) and Judy Esmond (Market Manager).
To Note:
- When the Bentley Farmers' Market was in its inception, many people were sceptical that it would succeed. We heard complaints that because of the Farmers' Market, businesses in town would suffer.
- Members of the Farmers' Market Committee filled in as managers whenever the need arose.
- The Farmers' Market took on a "country fair" air with music, visiting, lunching, vendors selling their wares and many buyers and on-lookers enjoying their Saturday afternoon at the Market.
- Colleen McNaught won the Manager of the Year award. She was thrilled by this award because she won over all the Market Managers in Alberta.
- Fred Peterson, who is the incoming President of the Market, related these results from an informal survey he undertook this year. With eighteen markets per year and nine businesses surveyed, their profits as a spin-off, amounted to an extra six thousand dollars.
In conclusion, it takes a great idea and good leadership and the support of the whole community to make projects such as the Bentley Farmers' Market succeed.