Along with the final phase of his plans for the hot springs, Skoglund's dreams of expanding the ski hill were never realised, and it was relegated to the fond mythology of Terrace history. The towers, seen occasionally by hikers, stood as sentries to Skoglund's visions.


Skogly's Ski Hill at Skoglund's Lakelse Hotsprings Resort.
Lakelse Lake, British Columbia, Canada


Diving into the Outdoor Swimming Pool at Skoglund's Lakelse Hotsprings Resort.
Lakelse Lake, British Columbia, Canada


Aerial View of Skoglund's Lakelse Hotsprings Resort.
Late 1960s
Lakelse Lake, British Columbia, Canada


Diving Board and Swimming Pool at Skoglund's Lakelse Hotsprings Resort.
Spring 1959 through 1960s
Lakelse Lake, British Columbia, Canada


Ray Skoglund's final ambitions for Skoglund Hotsprings Resort ranged from arcades and more camping sites to an 1800-foot landing strip so planes could land within the confines of the resort: eventually, the complex would envelope guests, who would not need to leave for any amenities. Phase III would see the expansion of the total room count to 500. A beauty parlour, physiotherapy rooms, an expanded ski hill, a forty-acre golf course, and a new Olympic-sized outside swimming pool for summer were other items on Skoglund's agenda. According to the local newspapers, Skoglund was even considering installing a drive-in movie theatre that could be viewed from the interior and exterior of the complex. Skoglund's visionary transformation of the Lakelse hot springs into a glamorous, self-contained international attraction was never finalised: before Phase III began, Skoglund's financial backers balked, and his overall vision was sidelined.


Aerial View of Skoglund's Lakelse Hotsprings Resort.
Late 1960s
Lakelse Lake, British Columbia, Canada


Skoglund Hot Springs Promotional Cushion and Commemorative Plates in Display Case.
Late 1960s through 1970s
Lakelse Lake, British Columbia, Canada

Bob Erb collected these materials in the Okanagan.
Erb donated the materials to Heritage Park Museum to bolster our Community Memories Project.


'The tents are very popular with families,' Skoglund told the media in 1959. 'Many people are afraid we'll spoil them by making them too cosy. That's not the idea. We want families to use them and have been delighted at how popular they are. Next year we plan to extend the clearing and have more tents.'


Skoglund Hotsprings Resort Promotional Brochure (Front).
Late 1960s to Early 1970s
Lakelse Lake, British Columbia, Canada


Skoglund Hotsprings Resort Promotional Brochure (Back).
Late 1960s through Early 1970s
Lakelse Lake, British Columbia, Canada


Ray Skoglund was the sole operator of the Lakelse Hotsprings Resort into the later 1960s, when he sold interests in the company to finance the enormity of his vision for the resort. Following a fire in November 1966 that destroyed three of the duplex cabins, the holding company who owned much of the property balked at his plans for further expansion. Relegated to the position of one director among several, Skoglund continued to provide guidance on the operation of the property, but his advice was not always heeded. 'I've been trying to convince the holding company people for a long time that we had to cater to the local people,' Skoglund told the Terrace Herald in 1968. Beginning in the early 1970s, the property changed hands several times, finally falling into disrepair and receivership. Skoglund slowly disengaged himself, and the hot springs fell apart without the guiding force of his enthusiasm, hard work, and determination. In 1978, a flood completed the long decline, and the resort was closed to the public. In the following year, the property was turned over to the provincial government by the Canadian-American Loan and Investment Corporation. The Lakelse hot springs property was dormant once again.


Indoor Swimming Pool at Skoglund's Lakelse Hotsprings Resort.
Late 1960s through Early 1970s
Lakelse Lake, British Columbia, Canada


Postcard of Lakelse Lake.
Lakelse Lake, British Columbia, Canada