Cut Knife Grinder, July 14, 1937

Citizens Fight Fire Near Atton's Lake

A prairie fire originating near the south shore of Bushy Lake Saturday morning swept over a section of land in a westerly direction and endangered the Municipal Park property. Campers alarmed by the rapid spread of the fire moved their equipment to a place of safety. A call for assistance was sent out, about 100 men being rushed to the fire in trucks. Through backfiring and a strenuous effort the fire was checked along the east boundary of the park.

While the origin of the fires is undetermined, it is believed that careless campers or berry pickers are responsible for the out break. With brush and grass dry as tinker, great care must be exercised by all picnickers to prevent damage from camp fires or burning matches or cigarettes.


Haight Family Renunion 1937
Atton's Lake Campground; Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Haight, Gloria