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Steveston Museum
Richmond , British Columbia


   The Steveston Historical
Society invites you to take a
journey through time. This
chronicle tells the story of
the village of Steveston, a
unique farming and fishing
community at the mouth of the
Fraser River in British
Columbia, Canada. When the
first permanent settler,

Manoah Steves, arrived in
1877 and found some of the
richest delta farmland in the
country, he could not
possibly have imagined the
growth of the commercial
fishing industry that would
soon lead to Steveston
becoming the “salmon capital
of the world.” With fifteen

canneries along two miles of
foreshore, one of which was
the biggest in the British
Empire, Steveston grew to be
the largest commercial
fishing harbour in Canada.
Nor could Manoah have
foreseen the mix of people
that would contribute to the
development of the vibrant

community that Steveston is
today. Enjoy this glimpse of
our history.

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