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Buchans - History of Mining Town
Buchans Miners Museum
Buchans , Newfoundland and Labrador


   The history of the town of
Buchans, a former mining town
in central Newfoundland, can
best be told from the
perspectives of the
discoverer, the operator, the
builder and the residents of
   Work at the Buchans River
mine began when Mattie

Mitchell, a Mi’kmaq-
Montagnais trapper and guide
discovered ore at this site
in 1905. Eventually, the mine
was taken over by the
American Smelting and
Refining Company. Even though
four additional mines were
discovered in the area (Lucky
Strike, Rothermere, Oriental

and Macleans), all were
closed in 1984.
   In addition to the
chronology of the mine, this
Community Memories Exhibit
describes the growth of the
town from the construction of
company houses for the miners
and their families to the
building of recreation

facilities such as the town
swimming pool and skating
   The exhibit is
constructed along two story
lines: the early development
of the mine and the strike of
1977, the longest strike of
Buchans’ miners.
   This Community Memories

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