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Growing Up in Rural Newfoundland: A Portrait of Childhood 1950 - 2009
French Shore Interpretation Centre
Conche , Newfoundland and Labrador


for this exhibit.
   Nostalgic memories of
childhood often cast a rosy
glow that makes the growing
up years seem idyllic.
However, childhood in rural
Newfoundland before and
through the time period of
this exhibit was always a
complex experience filled

with hard work as well as
fun, uncertainty as well as
security. The reflections,
stories and some of the
photographs were provided by
men and women who grew up in
the communities of Main
Brook, Roddickton, Conche,
Englee, Croque, and Grandois-
St. Julien's. Some of the

storytellers began their
lives in small outports with
no roads connecting them to
the outside world. Most of
those communities were
resettled during their
childhood in the 1960s. These
lost communities include
Little Harbour Deep, Hooping
Harbour, Canada Harbour,

Fishot Island, and the Grey
   Newfoundlanders have a
great gift of storytelling
and humour. Their words in
the storyline and text pieces
accompanying the images
showcase their verbal
talents. Some of the
photographs in the exhibit

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