Amos Seaman School Museum
River Hebert, Nova Scotia

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King Seaman - His Legacy Continues
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Did everyone help out in the community with social events?

Oh yes! No matter what was going on in Minudie, no matter whether it was a picnic, it was a party, it was a church affair, a Catholic church affair, a Protestant Church affair. It was Church of England when I was there and Catholic church, and no matter what happened, that's the way we were brought up.

Them days it was goose suppers, now they have turkeys. They had a goose supper each fall, lots of geese. Well no matter one year the school would have it, next year one of the churches would have it so you never knew who was having it, it was just a goose supper and of course everyone donated. There was no such thing as buying in those days, everything was donated off the farm. Everyone had geese and everyone had lots of vegetables, everybody made pies. That was a big affair every fall the goose supper and they'd come from everywhere for that goose supper, and whoever had it that the money went to what it was for. So I was brought up and I was very young when they were having those down there, and that went on and on and on when I was growing up. A very happy place to be brought up. A very happy place to bring up a family.

Did everybody help out with haying and farm work?
When it came down in the fall of the year for digging potatoes, everybody helped. One farmer would go and get that farmers and the other and all go together. Many times us kids helped our next door neighbour pick potatoes after school. Oh yes. There was nobody went for want in those days. Everybody, well in a farmers life they were all on the same level.


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