Cowichan Valley Museum
Duncan, British Columbia

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Abandoned, Then Embraced: The Kinsol Trestle
Images: People




...I brought from Vancouver a fellow who was North America's (I didn't know he was); he's the premier engineer for suspension bridges. He was the person that, I think it was the 1995 earthquake in San Francisco, he actually went down and inspected the Golden Gate Bridge to make sure it was safe...I had just heard about him from a friend...I phoned and talked to him, and he came over. We spent about three hours at the Kinsol Trestle, and actually walked through the structure, on the sleepers, through the whole thing, and what he did, he had an awl, and just did tests of the timbers, and would be saying, "This one's sound, this one would have to be replaced." There was no written report or anything like that, just he was interested at the time...he said the Howe truss structure, down at the bottom, he said if you do nothing, and if what's over top of it doesn't collapse on top of it, this will outlast you. It's very well made. It's on concrete piers, it's great. The rest of it, he said, you're going to have to do something...and to start with, he said to clear around the bases of all the bents...So immediately the next day I went with Nicholas, my son, who was about eight or nine at the time, and we started on the Glen Eagles side road with a shovel, a small chainsaw, and cleared, made our way. Didn't do it all in one day, but made our way down to the river....I would cut any trees that were growing through the structure and then we went around Riverside Road another time and made our way down to the bottom just, clearing away from at the bents and would cut the…always hoping that no one was going to come by and (laughing) see me doing that.


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