Audio Text ; Reuben Law.

Q - Is that this farm?
A - Ya, taken from back in the back fields there. That's our house there, and the barns and everything.
Q - When did your family first come to Chalk River?
A - Oh, the first settlers here was back in the 1800's. My Grandfather owned four farms, this one and the back one there that Cuthbert owns now, and one up on the river. My Great grandfather gave his sons each a farm.


In 1831 Robert James Law emigrated from Scotland and in 1848 family records show him farming in Chalk River area, West of Clarksville on what would later become known as Law Road in Wylie Township, (now known as Laurentian Hills.) Three subsequent generations of the Law family were born on this farm where Reuben Law still resides.


Roger McLoed, last lighthouse keeper at McQuestion
Chalk River, Ontario, Canada


Audio Text: It would be about 1890, Roger McLoed, the last lighthouse keeper at McQuestion Point where Atomic Energy now is.

It is not known whether it was novelty or necessity that motivated Mr McLoed in this endeavor, however there can be no doubt that his team would have been very effective in the deep snows of the upper Ottawa Valley.


How timber was transported in the winter
Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada


The area was inhabited originally by farmers and lumbermen who relied on the Ottawa River as a means of transportation into the area. These early pioneers settled mainly within a three mile radius of the village as it exists today, but some as far away as the Deep River / Wylie district.


Mrs Jerimah McCarthy, formerly Ida Page. Oldest resident of Chalk River at age 92.
Chalk River, Ontario, Canada


Mrs Jerimah McCarthy, formerly Ida Page, oldest resident of Chalk River in 1979, at age 92


Collecting honey
Chalk River, Ontario, Canada


Mr and Mrs Wm. Cuthbert smoking bees in about 1910 to collect the honey.


Chalk River ladies, Minerva Mcloed Labelle and Carrie Mclean
Chalk River, Ontario, Canada


This is a picture of Minerva McLoed Labelle on the left and Carrie McLean on the right. Carrie McLean's family had a library right where the Catholic Church in Chalk River stands today. It burned down and she and another sister were burned to death in the fire. She was trying to save her books. This was about the 1930's.


Original Clark home relocated
Chalk River, Ontario, Canada


NOTE- This building was the original "Clark" home.

Page 6 - The North Renfrew Times - 29 May 1985

One of Chalk River's most famous sons is Howie Meeker, the veteran hockey player, broadcaster and sports personality. He lived in a house on Wilson Street, which is now being sold by his family. Mike and Danny Meeker were in Chalk River recently removing the shingles and siding from the log house which is one of the oldest in the village.

Danny Meeker, a nephew of Howie Meeker, says that the house was built around 1875 when that part of Chalk River was called Clarksville. While dismantling the log home he found a newspaper dated 1890 which had been used as chinking. It must have been a very fine house for its time," said Meeker. "Drywall and lath had been added around 1900 and there are tongue and groove boards flooring one of the ground floor rooms." A metal roof was put on about 65 years ago, he said, and it is still in good shape.

Meeker's grandparents, Kitty and Charlie, bought the house before the war. "Upstairs there was one big room," he explained, "they slept on one side, the five boys, including Howie. slept on the other. Kitty and Charlie Meeker moved to Ottawa in 1971 and the house has been sitting empty since then. Bob Laroche, a close neighbour, kept an eye on it and it was he who was able to tell Mike and Danny Meeker about its history. In the 1940's it was almost lost when there was a fire. "It was put out by a bucket brigade," he said The fire merely charred the big square timbers. Since it has been vacant the home has, earned a reputation as a haunted house, said Bob Laroche. Mike Meeker was disappointed that the family had only just decided to sell the house - he had just bought a log cabin and would have much preferred to own the old family home.


John Roestler and his Model T
Chalk River, Ontario, Canada