The material included in the following pages is a sampling of the literature available about the Gimli community. It includes the sources for materials in this collection, materials referred to in this collection as well as other important books and articles on the settlement and development of the community of Gimli.


Manitoba Provincial Archives

Narfason, Dilla and Mary Shebeski. 1982. Gimli Memories.

Gimli:Gimli Saga: The History of Gimli Manitoba. 1975. Gimli: Gimli Women's Institute.

Kaye, Vladimir J. 1964. Early Ukrainian Settlements in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Kristjanson, Wilhelm. 1965. The Icelandic People in Manitoba: A Manitoba Saga. Winnipeg: Wallingford Press.

Thorsteinsson, Thorsteinn. Saga Islendinga i Vesturheimi.

Newspapers and Periodicals:

Lake Winnipeg Argus 1948

The Evening Tribune, August 18, 1937

Winnipeg Free Press, January 29, 1940

The Toronto Weekly Star 1958

R.C.A.F. Station Gimli, Vol. 2, Sept. 1958

The Icelandic Canadian: A quarterly published in English by the Icelandic Canadian Club.

Logberg-Heimskringla: Icelandic Canadian bi-weekly newspaper published in Winnipeg.


The majority of photographs in this Community Memories exhibit are in the collection of the New Iceland Heritage Museum in Gimli although many of these photos originate from the Provincial Archives of Manitoba.

Other photos are courtesy of Dilla Narfason and Mary Shebeski (Gimli Memories), Norman Shewchuk and Andres Kusselka.


This exhibit was produced by the New Iceland Heritage museum staff, volunteers and local students.

Tammy Axelsson, Executive Director
Brigitte Campeau, summer student
Craig Bailey, summer student
Shelley Narfason, administrative assistant

Johanne Kristjanson, Ph.D.
Eugene Zalevich

Student Volunteers: George Johnson Middle Years - Emily Lair, Quinn Saretsky,
Sam Gallagher and Miles Lepine.


This exhibit is a brief history of the development of the community of Gimli. For further information on the development of this unique Canadian community please visit the New Iceland Heritage museum in Gimli Manitoba or check out our website www.nihm.ca