Not all interesting things are part of a story line. Many have their own story to tell.


Carbonear Squadron Crest.
30 January 2002
Carbonear, Conception Bay, NL


The official Squadron Crest for 589 Carbonear Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron was approved by the Air Cadet League of Canada on January 30, 2002.
The island on the crest depicts Carbonear Island and the surrounding bay area, which is an historic landmark for the town of Carbonear and was registered as a national historic site by parks Canada in the mid 1980's.

The sky blue colours used in the crest copy the colours used in the Air Cadet Ensign and symbolize the town's common interest and pride with 589 Squadron over the past fifty years.

The aircraft seen flying over Carbonear Island is a Lockheed Martin MK1 Hudson bomber used towards the end of World War Two as a Maritime patrol and surveillance aircraft. This aircraft performed a vital duty in protecting the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador and most of the eastern seaboard from the German U-boat threat. Thus , the aircraft has a strong tie to both our war heritage and the coastline that surrounds Carbonear Island. Along with avation ties with the MK1 Hudson bomber the first Commanding Officer, Flight Lieutenant Hudson Davis, also bears the same name. Therefore, symbolizing a further link between the Squadron, its founding staff members, and the community as a whole.

The Latin motto "LABORE PRO MAXIME" when translated means "strive for the best." It was chosen by the cadets and staff of 589 shortly after receiving the MacGillivary Shield as the best Air cadet Squadron in Newfoundland for the training year 2000-2001.


589 Licence Plate.
17 May 2005
Carbonear, Conception Bay, NL


Many cadets have acquired this piece of memrobilia. It has been seen on many vehicles across Canada and the United States. If a driver put it on his/her car he/she was certainly proud to be a cadet in the 589 Carbonear Squadron.


Two ex-cadets with the first CO.
9 June 2000
St. Phillips, NL


Shown here are three former cadets: Keith Taylor, CO Hudson Davis, and Fred Saunders. It is interesting to note that the plate number on Hudson's car reads "five 89". Hudson is still interested in the squadron has returned several times for reunions and Annual Inspections.

Audio Transcript:
My name is Hudson Davis, First Commanding Officer of 589 Squadron. Not only do I cherish my time spent with 589, but I use the squadron number as all or part of all the numbers in my life... my telephone number 436-5890, the car licence pictured here, my cell phone number, the locks on my briefcase. Maybe I'll have it inscribed some day on my tombstone.


Many cadets are tied to the squadron in their own way. They have many fond memories and photographs. When you meet someone from Carbonear, one of the first questions asked is "Were you ever in Air Cadets".