Promotions are very important in any organization. The serve as a reward for hard work and diligence and foster loyalty to the squadron. Each rank has its responsibility for the smooth operation of the squadron. In the early years the top ranking cadet in 589 was a Warrant Officer Second Class or a WO2 as they were called. The rankings are now based on proficency and a squadron could have a WO2 and also a Warrent Officer First Class.


Leading Air Cadet (LAC).
28 March 1004
Carbonear, Conception Bay, NL


A leading Air Cadet (LAC) usually received his propellers after actively participating in mandatory training for at least 8 months.


Corporal Stripes.
24 March 2004
Carbonear, Conception Bay, NL


The rank of Corporal is the first rank that comes with responsibility. Corporals are responsible for the well being of their subordinates. They get to call them, transmit important messages and sometimes they get to inspect their uniforms. They should also have successfully completed a Proficency Level 1 course.


Sergeant Stripes.
24 March 2004
Carbonear, Conception Bay, NL


The best Coporals are considered for promotion to Sergeant. Sergeants usually have a few Corporals and cadets under their leadership.They also get more responsibilities. Sergeants usually have served at least six months as Corporals.They should meet the requirments of Proficiency Level 2 and have successfully completed Summer Familiarization Course.


Flight Sergeant Stripes.
24 March 2004
Carbonear, Conception Bay, NL


Flight Sergeants get to take charge of entire flights of cadets. They have a few Sergeants, Corporals, and many cadets under their command.They make decisions and make sure everything runs smoothly in their flight. They needed to be a Sergeant for at least six months, have completed a Summer Introductory Specialty Course, and reached Proficiency Level 3.


Warrant Officer Second Class (WO2).
24 March 2004
Carbonear, Conception Bay, NL


In many squadrons across Canada the WO2 is the highest ranked cadet. He/she is "The Leader". They are trained as leaders and get to collaborate with the officers in the organization of the squadron. They are senior cadets who must perform at a high level and take care of many responsibilities. WO2's must have completed 6 months satisfactory service as a Flight Sergeant, have completed a Summer Advanced Specialty Course, and reached the requirments of Proficiency Level 4.


Warrant Officer First Class (WO1).
24 March 2004
Carbonear, Conception Bay, NL


Warrant Officer First Class is the highest rank an air cadet can achieve. They are always experienced cadets and must prove to be worthy of leading all cadets in the squadron. They should have attained Proficiency Level 5, successfully served as WO2 for at least 6 months, and successfully completed a Summer Advanced Specialty Course.


Sometime during the early part of the cadet year, promotions would be announced and badges given out. Cadets were brimming with confidence and pride. They now could be in charge of other cadets and given greater responsibility in the squadron. Promotions also meant that you could go to summer camp and take an extended course in leadership. What better boost to a young cadet than to know your adult leaders were showing confidence in you abilities. Many high ranking cadets went on to be leaders in their communities and successful in their personal careers.