Tecumseh Golf Club
Gatineau Mills, Quebec


Miki's trail

On the night of June 19th, Isobel McDonald, a waitress who worked and lived at the Tecumseh Golf Club in Gatineau Mills, Quebec, closed the club kitchen at midnight and went to bed. Upon entering the clubhouse the next morning she found that a window had been broken and that they'd been robbed.

During the night someone had stolen four 40 ounce bottles of whiskey, more than 300 packages of cigarettes, several boxes of cigars and about $30.00 in cash. The incident was reported to the Quebec Provincial Police.


Miki (actor) rowing across the Ottawa River to Cumberland in the middle of the night June 19/20 1940
Ottawa River at Cumberland, Ontario


Later that same night a stranger with a packsack made his way to the edge of the Ottawa River at Masson, Quebec, not far from Gatineau Mills. There he found a rowboat which he took across the river and tied up to a spot west of the wharf at Cumberland Village on the Ontario side.


Miki (actor) walked most of the early hours of June 20 1940 to evade capture from the Quebec Police.
Cumberland, Ontario


He knew the police would be looking for him the next day, especially since the Tecumseh hadn't been the only establishment he'd robbed over the past few days.

He got out of the boat and with the packsack slung over his back, made his way up the bank of the river.


Miki (actor) catches a few hours of sleep in the ditch in front of Bill Hodges' farm


Under cover of darkness he crossed an old rail bed and proceeded south on a dirt path along what is now Quigley Hill Road. At Highway #17 (Old Montreal Road, today) he turned and walked west to Frank Kenny Road.

After a short walk south on Frank Kenny Road, Miki lay down in a ditch near a farm and, placing his packsack beneath his head, fell asleep.


Bill Hodges with his two work horses
Navan, Ontario


The morning of June 20th was shaping up to be a beautiful day in Cumberland Township. Sunny and a bit cool, the weather was average for this time of year – the day before the first day of summer.

Bill Hodges was up at the usual early hour to milk the cows. At around 6 a.m. he looked toward the road in time to see a stranger with a packsack walk past the farm. Hodges thought nothing of it at the time. After all, the homeless were often seen walking the back roads and sleeping where they could. Hodges went back to his milking.


Miki (actor) walks the back roads on his way to the train station in Navan, Ontario: June 20, 1940
Navan, Ontario


John Miki rose from the ditch early that morning not sure of where he was or where he should go next. Gathering his packsack he headed west across the fields to Trim Road and then turned south again.

While walking along Trim Road he met a local farmer who, after a brief discussion, gave him directions to the train station in Navan Village several miles south. Later, he managed to hitch another ride, all the way to Navan this time. From there, he walked the rest of the way to the station that lay just west of the village.


Miki (actor) purchases a train ticket to Ottawa at the Navan train station
Navan, Ontario


Arriving at the station, Miki was anxious to take the train home to Montreal. Upon learning from the stationmaster that the next train wasn't due for another six hours, he purchased a ticket to Ottawa instead, since that train was due in about 20 minutes.

After purchasing the ticket Miki sat on a bench in the waiting room, placed his packsack beside him and waited. The sooner he distanced himself from the scene of his latest crime, the better, and Ottawa would do just fine.