Canso Causeway 25th Anniversary plaque
13 August 1980
Canso Causeway 25th Anniversary


August 13th, 1980 - 25th Anniversary Celebrations

A re-enactment of the 1955 official opening of the Canso Causeway's completion was held on August 13, 1980, exactly 25 years after the official opening.
Present for the occasion in 1980 were: Urban F. McCulloch representing O.J. McCulloch and Co.,Consulting Engineers, the company responsible for the construction of the Canso Causeway and Canal ; Harry MacKenzie who was Resident Engineer for O.J. McCulloch and Co. in 1955, Angus L. Macdonald Jr., Senator Henry Hicks, Premier of Nova Scotia in 1955 and his wife, Bishop William Power, Allan J. MacEachen, Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and MP for Cape Breton Highlands-Canso, John Buchanan, Premier of Nova Scotia, and Bill MacEachern and John Archie MacKenzie, MLA's for Inverness County.


Canso Causeway 25th Anniversary ribbon cutting
13 August 1980
Canso Causeway 25th Anniversary


Blair Brewer, Chairman of the Canso Causeway Anniversary Society, welcomed everyone after O Canada was sung by Daniel Graham of Judique.


Senator Henry Hicks and Premier of Nova Scotia, John Buchanan
13 August 1980
Canso Causeway 25th Anniversary


Senator Henry D. Hicks who was Premier of Nova Scotia and had assisted the Honourable C. D. Howe, Minister of Trade and Commerce at the time of the original ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open the Canso Causeway on August 13th, 1955 is on the left and John M. Buchanan, Premier of Nova Scotia are giving the Nova Scotia tartan a hard look on the day of the 25th Anniversary in 1980.


Senator Henry Hicks, Premier John Buchanan,
13 August 1980
Canso Causeway 25th Anniversary


Mary Campbell who was on the organizing committee presents the claymore to be used for the ribbon cutting to Angus L. Macdonald,Jr. while Senator Henry D. Hicks, Most Reverend William E. Power, Bishop of the Diocese of Antigonish and Honourable Allan J. MacEachen look on. Premier John M. Buchanan and John Archie MacKenzie,MLA for Inverness County are behind.


Royal Canadian Legion Colour Party
13 August 1980
Canso Causeway 25th Anniversary


The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 43 of Port Hawkesbury provided the Colour Party that lead the procession across the Canso Causeway for the re enactment on August 13th, 1980.


Nova Scotia Highlanders pipe band
13 August 1980
Canso Causeway 25th Anniversary


The Nova Scotia Highlander Pipe Band participated in the parade across the Canso Causeway for the 25th Anniversary Re enactment on August 13th, 1980.


Inverness Pipe Band
13 August 1980
Canso Causeway 25th Anniversary


The Inverness Pipe Band march across with Pipe Major George Ingraham on August 13,1980.