Port Moody Station Museum
Port Moody, British Columbia

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Ioco: Life in a Company Town
Images: Sports & Games




Interviewer: What sports did you play George?

Mr. Kingsbury: Well I wasn't-- well I played all kinds of sports but I wasn't too good at many. Horseshoes I kind of excelled in. I was kind of lucky that way I guess.

Interviewer: Oh did they have a horseshoe team?

Mr. Kingsbury: Oh yes we used to even go down to Bellingham and play. We used to go into Haney and map- well that's Maple Ridge of course and Port Coquitlam and used to go into Stanley park in Vancouver and as I said into Bellingham and every year they used to play for the bc championships.

Interviewer: Oh there was a tournament type thing was there?

Mr. Kingsbury: Tournament, yeah, we used to play I remember one at the Caledonia games that was time the exhibition was on Caledonian games Scottish people put it on and I was lucky enough to win the bc championship.

Interviewer: Oh great. How old would you have been then?

Mr. Kingsbury: I was just about to turn 16 yeah 16 because I was 15 in the last games.

Interviewer: What an accomplishment.

Mrs. Kingsbury: You won it three years in a row.

Mr. Kingsbury: I won it in 1928 and 1930 and '31.


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