Norwegian Laft Hus
Red Deer, Alberta

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Rediscovering the Norwegian Connection
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  • Kind
  • Helpful
  • Benevolent
  • Are a blessing to the family with whom they dwell.
  • Tiny people who always appear to be happy.
  • Their joyful outlook on life is reflected by many laugh wrinkles around their eyes.
  • They have the ability to see things as they really are.
  • Very kind to animals and so animals love gnomes.
  • Gnome Family consists of mother, father, and 2 children. The children are always twins and can be 2 boys, 2 girls or a 1 boy & 1 girl.
  • The girls' upbringing is left to the mother while the father teaches his sons.
  • Both parents will spend time with the children playing games or telling them stories.
  • Gnomes tend to avoid contact with elves, goblins, ghosts, dwarfs, witches, and other beings; however, the trolls give them a lot of trouble.
  • A gnome is much more clever than a troll, but if he is caught by a troll very bad things can happen to him. The gnomes hide from the trolls and usually escape because the troll is powerless over the gnome outside of his cave.
  • Father gnome is good at carpentry and so is good at building a house as well as carving things that are useful and decorative.
  • Mother gnome is busy with cooking, cleaning and spinning cloth and dying it to make garments for her family.
  • The gnome's house is usually located in the roots of a tree, a rabbit hole, or a mole hole. Gnome dwellings are usually around farms and old houses and sometimes a family will take up residence in a tiny section of a human house.

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