Avonlea and District Museum - Heritage House
Avonlea, Saskatchewan

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Avonlea's Prairie Pioneers
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Mabel: I think a lot of the pioneers trusted in God or through prayer and that. I mean they were lonesome or discouraged and their faith was in God.

Judy: Grandma, your family have always been very religious. When you first came here, was there a church, or a minister or anything?

Mabel: Not when we first come. The Huggart's had a tent, and they used to have a service in that. A minister maybe come from Rouleau or someplace. They had to ride horseback.

Judy: That would be quite a ways for your family to go wouldn't it?

Mabel: Sometimes you walked. Well, then after the schools were built, they held service in the schools.

Judy: Did you have a minister come to do that?

Mabel: Yes, there was Baptist or Anglican or one would have it one Sunday maybe, and another, another Sunday. I was telling Maggie, my older sister was the only one who was married in a church. Even Sandy was married over here in the Manse where Kim Holland's living. Gerty was married down there and I was married in the other house where Stan and Margaret lived. When Maggie married Matt, they were married down here where Myrna Muc lives in that old house where Grandma was living then, in [19]26 I think. When I was married Reggie and the schoolteacher signed the register.

Judy: Would you have a dinner, or anything, after the wedding?

Mabel: We maybe had it before, because I think we took the train to Moose Jaw when we were married.

Judy: That would be your honeymoon?


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