Port Moody Station Museum
Port Moody, British Columbia

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Ioco: Life in a Company Town
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Mrs. Kingsbury: I remember when I was a child too. There was an old lady in Ioco, Mrs. Collett, and she was a beautiful dancer and she used to train a lot of us young kiddies to do the lovely dances. What do you call it, the old time French minuet and all that type of thing and she used to get us all practiced up and take us over to Port Moody where that Perry's Café is now or what used to be the Jimmy Dean and the people who owned it, I think he was the mill or maybe the mayor of Port Moody his wife used to put on afternoon teas quite often she'd put on what we called tea parties and Mrs. Collett would take us kids over to dance for the people and I remember I used to just love it because you got all dressed up and put bells on your ankles and I was only about six or seven, I guess, and we used to go over and dance for the people all these beautiful French minuets and the old dances you know. Yeah I remember her; she used to be very proud to take these kids over there.


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