Port Moody Station Museum
Port Moody, British Columbia

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Ioco: Life in a Company Town
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Mrs. Kingsbury: But there was no church when I was little because I was christened in the hall, the Ioco hall. We used to have a mass christening you know, for the children, and they used to hold church services in there and I guess my mother was Anglican because I used to go out to church with her sometimes when my dad was on shift. We would go to the Anglican church and during the day time I went to the United church you know, so I used to get a little bit of both

Mr. Kingsbury: Just butting in here, a little before that though they had the churches in the community hall in Ioco. Thats before. Did you tell her that?

Mrs. Kingsbury: Yeah, I told her that. That's where a lot of the kids were christened by a fellow by the name of I think, Goodship.

Mr. Kingsbury: We were married in the United church.

Mrs. Kingsbury: We were married in the Ioco hall, Ioco church, yeah. We had our reception in the Bowling Green club house, but it isn't there anymore.


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