Port Moody Station Museum
Port Moody, British Columbia

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Ioco: Life in a Company Town
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Mrs. Kingsbury: They had more than one store in Ioco too at the time. They had the store that is originally there now. I can remember Gorenson owning it and somebody before that I don't remember. And then (?).

Mr. Kingsbury: There was even a store before that Marg, you remember down by the dock pump house when we first when in, you don't remember that. In by the dock pump house there. As a matter of fact it burnt down the first three months we were there.

Interviewer: Really?

Mr. Kingsbury: Burnt down. I just forget the name. It kind of-

Mrs. Kingsbury: Well then one across from the store that's there now was owned by Matt McCarthy and he was the druggist as well. He used to make up any prescriptions and anything, but he owned the store and lived there, but it burned down several times too and he rebuilt it, but later he was put in prison for drugs. He was using drugs.

Interviewer: Were any of those stores company owned stores, Imperial Oil owned stores?

Mr. Kingsbury: No they were on company property though.


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