VIVO Media Arts Centre
Vancouver, British Columbia

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The Crista Dahl Media Library & Archive: Preserving Vancouver's Video Art Legacy
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There's the whole talk of the strength of the medium was you could record over. You didn't like it you'd record over. There were some people that had the philosophy that you shouldn't keep anything past a certain time, but ours was definitely about retaining it sustaining it, putting it out there for the community. We had two librarian positions they were called the day staff.... those were sometimes filled by quite the same people but could be two different people everyday differently.... we sort of we had a log book that you had to read up on the comings and goings... if there were changes in procedures and you had to be trained on how to be a librarian. That was a bit of a struggle for all of us. We started off not actually knowing how to catalogue the works to make it accessible. Because we had this great idea and all of a sudden when we had these 100 tapes we had to learn how to be librarians and it was a special collection how do we make the you know catalogue them so they're accessible.

Shawn Preus
Ms. Preus is a founder of SVES, produced video in the 1970s, and was the longest running editor of Video Guide. Since leaving Video Inn, Ms. Preus has provided residential and support services for at risk youth through the Alternative Shelter Society, worked for five years at the Contemporary Art Gallery, and Is Lead Relationship Manager at The Agency for Co-operative Housing.


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