Victory in Europe (VE) Day Parade, at The Four Corners (King and Simcoe)
20th Century, May 7, 1945
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Oshawa Times- Gazette, Canada
Oshawa Community Archives


"I remember VE Day (Victory in Europe Day). That was a celebration. You wouldn't believe it. People were dancing in the streets [of] downtown Oshawa. They went nuts down in Halifax. Stores all closed and guys on board the ships couldn't buy anything and there was a riot. The Ontario Regiment was marching home up Simcoe Street heading for the Armories. We were watching the parade at the curb. My mother and her sisters were all yelling and clapping. Dad was walking behind the other soldiers and there was dad with his blue uniform on. He was the only one from the navy. It looked so damned funny; him coming up there. They were dressed in full kit with their guns and everything. Dad was a Petty Officer. We followed them along the sidewalk up to the Armories." -Murray Mackay

"On VE Day (Victory in Europe Day), Mr. O'Neill announced it in the school auditorium and gave us the day off." -Bill Wells

"The parade took place during the day. That night the four corners became quite rowdy. There was a huge bonfire at King and Simcoe Sts. and people were jumping on cars. The Grand Restaurant on King St. was a Chinese restaurant and they let off fireworks on the roof." - Oshawa Senior Citizens Centre

"School was cancelled!! Stores were closed and Hitler was burned in effigy." - Oshawa Senior Citizens Centre


Children celebrating Victory in Europe Day
20th Century, May 1945
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Margaret Aldsworth
Oshawa Community Archives


"My young sister, Patricia, was born on May 7th, 1945. My mother, Peggy Dancey, always said that she was very glad that Patricia was her third child and not her first because the nurse paid her scant attention; they were hanging out the windows of the Oshawa General Hospital cheering the end of the war." -Margaret Aldsworth

"I was in Oshawa when they announced the war was over." -Earl Hann

"Cheers! When victory was announced everyone was so relieved, for at last this terrible war was over. Now our lives could go back to normal. The soldiers would come home and dear ones united again." - Jeannette Mark Nugent

"I was walking along the beach when three men came running out of a cottage with 'Jack Daniels.' The Americans who were renting cottages asked me in for a drink. I don't remember what happened after that. In fact it was the only time I was ever drunk." - Mr. James W. Bowman (Resident at Cedarcroft)


Victory in Europe (VE) Day Parade
20th Century, May 7, 1945
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Oshawa Times- Gazette, Canada
Oshawa Community Archives


Victory in Europe (VE) Day Parade
20th Century, May 7, 1945
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Oshawa Times- Gazette, Canada
Oshawa Community Archives



The car painting section within General Motors of Canada
20th Century 1939-1945
General Motors of Canada, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Oshawa Public Library, R.S. McLaughlin Branch


The production of a General Motors of Canada civilian car
20th Century 1939-1942
General Motors of Canada, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Oshawa Public Library, R.S. McLaughlin Branch


"My father bought one of the first Pontiacs in 1945. I remember you couldn't buy a new car for love or nor money. They weren't very expensive. I guess the orders were all taken up. They hadn't seen a new car for 5 or 6 years. Everyone wanted one, and couldn't get one." - Murray Mackay

"It was a big event in Oshawa with pictures in the local paper about how General Motors was returning to building cars now that the war was over. It was well publicized!" -Jeannette Mark Nugent.


General Motors of Canada automobile
20th Century 1940-1950
General Motors of Canada, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

General Motors of Canada Head Office, Oshawa


Female workers outside of the General Motors of Canada Plant
20th Century, May 1943
General Motors of Canada, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

General Motors of Canada, War Craftsman, Oshawa, Ontario
Oshawa Community Archives


"I was doing war work at GM and we were all laid off that day. We went up town and Oshawa was filled with cars blowing their horns." -Phyllis Sprostak (May 8th VE Day)

"Loreen was still making ammunition up until the announcement was heard. Then production was stopped." -Sunnycrest Retirement Home

"At Ward's - We hired women whose husbands were overseas. After the war we needed to make way for men when they came back." -Lee Rolson

"We all came out of our homes and greeted each other and cheered even though we knew it would put us out of a job." -Syd Hopkins


Four women from Pedlar inspecting 40mm anti- aircraft cartridge cases
20th Century 1939-1946
Pedlar, Oshawa, Ontario

Pedlar People Ltd. "Metal Built Products in Wartime"
Oshawa Community Archives