The Mercier Bridge was completed in 1892. The new bridge spanned across the Grand Cascapedia River with an elaborate set of wooden trestles and connected the two towns of St Jules and Grand Cascapedia. A one lane road enabled the citizens to travel across by horse and wagon or by foot.


The Big Red Bridge
Grand Cascapedia River


In Canada, several huge bridges were built but are long gone. The Grand Cascapedia had one such bridge known as the Big Red Bridge. It was the second largest covered bridge in North America built in 1926. The structure of the bridge was described as a town truss and it measured approximately 900 feet. On August 4, 1953, it burned and was replaced by a highway bridge.


Train Station
1890's onward
Grand Cascapedia


The Grand Cascapedia Train station was a valuable part of the growing community. It became a focal point wherethe villagers would gather to wait for the incoming mail, meet returning family members or welcome visitors to the area. It was a place of business and enabled the town to carry on commercial opportunities outside of the valley.


1900's onward
Cascapedia St Jules


Travel was a luxury that most people from the community could not afford. For those that could, it provided them with an outside view of the world. Many young people left the village to seek employment off the Gaspe Coast and returned to see family through the years.