Millet School
51st Street (Munson Street), Millet, Alberta, Canada


The Millet School was built in 1930 on property on the west side of 51st Street and bordering Highway 616 on the south. In 1942 its four rooms accommodated Grades 1 through 12.


Bob and Olga Hopkins



Bob and Olga Hopkins. Bob was the proprietor of the XL Store from 1935 to 1945. The store was located in the Van Meter Building on the southwest corner of the intersection of 50th Avenue and 50th Street. Bob Hopkins served as Mayor of Millet for some time. The Hopkins lived above the store. They had three children: David, Gordon, and Carolyn.


R.G. Mullen, Insurance and Real Estate
50th (Main) Street, Millet, Alberta, Canada


Robert G. Mullen's Real Estate Office ca 1946.
Bob had the business from 1945 to 1949. A.M. Davis was an auctioneer who lived in Leduc but did business in Millet as well.
The building was located on the east side of Main Street across from Dixie Hallett's "Old Bank Stopping Place" of today (2004), which is on the northwest corner of the intersection of Main Street and 50th Avenue, Block 1 Lot 1.
Former owners of real estate businesses located there were A.P. Mitchell (who had the business when it was located in the Mitchell Block that was destroyed by fire in 1927), C.S. Bear, Edgar Moore, Roger Dickson, and Charles H. Dunn.
James R. Mullen took over the business from his brother in 1949 and remained there for some years until he moved to a larger building next door (north). At this time he sold his former place of business to the Millet Public Library that had occupied space at the back of the building since the library had its beginning in 1953.
An Edmonton lawyer, F.G. Day, did business in the building on Saturdays for many years.
In 1971 the Public Library moved across the street to larger quarters made available to them by the Millet Branch #229 of the Royal Canadian Legion.


Dr. and Mrs. Plant
June 1941
50th Avenue (Alberta Street), Millet, Alberta, Canada


Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Plant in front of their home on the north side of 50th Avenue in 1941. Dr. Plant practiced medicine in Millet and the surrounding area in the early 1920's after arriving here with his family from England in December 1919. They spent the rest of their lives in Millet. The house they built in 1924 still stands and is lived in today (2004).


Dr. Simpson
50th Avenue (Alberta Street), Millet, Alberta, Canada


Dr. W.J. Simpson came out of retirement in 1929 to practice medicine in Millet for 22 years. A graduate of Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, he came west in 1899 and established a practice in Lacombe where he stayed until his first retirement at which time he came to Millet. He practiced medicine here until a few months before his death in 1951 at age 86. Ca late 1940's.


Main Street Looking North 1947 to 1953
50th (Main) Street, Millet, Alberta, Canada


Main Street looking north in the late 1940's midway between the intersections of 47th and 48th Avenue and Main (50th) Street.
Buildings from south to north at the right of the picture are: Millet Motors (part of Nahirnik's Garage); Texaco Garage; the old W.I. Hall building, later a welding shop; Egg Grading Station; and Drug Store.
Left side of the picture: Vic's Garage and Esso sign; location of today's (2004) Leanne's Bar and Grill.


Millet (B.A.) Service Garage
50th (Main) Street, Millet, Alberta, Canada


Millet Service Garage, also known as "The B.A. Service Station", in the late 1940's. Wm. Leschert occupied the first building. Harold Pritchard had the B.A. Garage from 1934-1945. Robert Womacks and Melvin Furuness bought the business in 1945. They later enlarged the building. The business was sold to Gideon Sanche in 1955 who ran the business until 1961 and leased it out until 1971. Later owners conducted a variety of businesses there until the Department of Highways bought the property. The building was demolished in the 1980's.