Civic Memorial Service
12 April 1954
Zion United Church, 423 Main Street North, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada


Afternoon, April 11, 1954

Moose Jaw RCAF officers and personnel, TCA officials, City Council members and other civic officials and members of the Chamber of Commerce, and over 1,000 citizens attend a Civic Memorial Service for the victims of the crash held at Zion United Church. The event was arranged by the Moose Jaw Ministerial Association and Premier T. C. Douglas was the key speaker at the event. St. Joseph's Catholic Church held a similar service that afternoon.

April 12, 1954

Only five victims remain unidentified. The majority of the bodies were transported to their families.


Funeral for Martha Hadwen
13 April 1954
Alliance Tabernacle, 60 Hochelaga Street, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada


Afternoon, April 12, 1954

500 people gather at the Alliance Tabernacle for the funeral service of Mrs. Martha Hadwen.


Funeral of Acting Pilot Officer Andrew Thorrat
13 April 1954
Saint Andrew's United Church, 60 Athabasca Street East, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada


April 13, 1954

Full military honours are accorded Acting Pilot Officer Thomas Andrew Thorrat during his funeral at St. Andrew's United Church.


April 13, 1954

The last two bodies are identified.

April 15, 1954

Proceedings of Board of Inquiry are published by the Royal Canadian Air Force.

April 23, 1954

Proceedings of an Inquiry are published by Trans-Canada Airlines.


April 23, 1954

The Royal Canadian Air Force and Trans-Canada Air Lines begin decisions on how to proceed with settling claims so victims and their families and estates do not have to wait until investigations are complete. The RCAF agrees to settle claims arising from damage on the ground and TCA agrees to handle passenger claims.


April 28, 1954

An investigation instituted by the crown is published.

May 3, 1954

Trans-Canada Air Lines issues the results of its investigation to N. J. MacMillan (the General Counsel, Trans-Canada Air Lines)

May 5, 1954

The Minister of Trade and Commerce, who was responsible for TCA, gives an interim report of
the accident to the House of Common.


April 1, 1955

The Hume family moves into their new home, rebuilt on the same spot as their original house.


'Moose Jaw Civil-Military Relations After the Air Collision of 8 April 1954.'
12 June 1954



June 12, 2003

Rachel Lea Heide makes a thorough presentation of civil-military relations in Moose Jaw after the air collision of April 8, 1954 at the 9th Annual Air Force Historical Conference in Winnipeg.


Entrance to Exhibition
8 April 2004
Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery, 461 Langdon Crescent, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada


1:30 p.m., April 8, 2004

The Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery opens it exhibition, "Like a Falling Leaf: the 1954 Plane Collision Over Moose Jaw," on the 50th anniversary of the disaster.